These are some of the collaboratories we are connected with. Each is an amazing site of interdisciplinary work at the intersection of group interaction, science, innovation, techniques and technologies.
Spatial Media Lab
EnsadLab research group in the new ArTeC Paris, dedicated to the study and development of artistic practices in digital spaces, especially: Embodiment and co-presence: immersion,…
The KeckCAVES is an up-close responsive environment for massive 3D raw data exploration for scientists at UC Davis. It is based on open software (VRUI,…
ModLab is the Digital Humanities Laboratory at UC Davis for making and modding projects that play with and extend the conventions and practices of humanities…
Joint Improvisation Lab (ICI)
The Joint Improvisation Lab (ICI is the French acronym) and Labodance are innovative collaboration between researchers in cognitive neuroscience, dancers, philosophers and specialists in Human…